The Call for “The Call” Vocation Retreat

Not many newlyweds, especially ones who are engrossed in the higher education of dental school, get a call to start a vocation retreat for young men discerning. But this is exactly what we did, starting “The Call Vocation Weekend.” Picture one newly married couple, with a baby in the womb, picking up young men across the cities in Texas ages 14-35 (would never recommend this in today’s climate) in a 15 passenger van to take them to a monastery in Laredo. Not to mention having to stop several times along the way due to the effects of morning sickness.  

Where did this idea come from? We were active in Catholic campus ministry at St Mary’s, at Texas A&M University, and attended vocation retreats to discern our own vocation. We discovered that the Church needs all vocations, and ALL are important to build up the sanctity of the Church. During our discernment and spiritual direction on “Seminary Sprint” and “Nun Run,” the Lord revealed to us that He needed us as a team to carry out His work. As crazy as an idea as it sounds to have a lay couple lead a priestly vocation retreat, with a bunch of orthodox monks, that was the reality. Truth be told, never doubt the works of the Holy Spirit, as the retreat went on for three years during Sean’s time in dental school, and brought forth 1 in 4 priestly vocations; a much higher success rate than most established vocation retreats in the country.  

Over twenty years later, our mission reins true to continue to foster vocations within the family through a family retreat and our Casa Immaculata mountain home.  


The Heart of Adventure