The Four Things for a Successful Family  Life: Part 2 Play Together

Part 2: Play Together (Find more information on Part One here)

2. Play Together

Being together naturally dovetails into playing together.  Play isn’t just for children, and while it comes natural for dads to be out there playing with their kids-even to a point of healthy competition to not let their sons get the best of them.   But, there is something special that lights up a young daughter when she sees her mother actively participating in a sport or physical activity.  Take advantage of those opportunites.  At Fiat Family Fest, plenty of time is dedicated for families to play together.  

While priests are available for confessions at the center of the action, two hours are dedicated for family play time.  An organized game of kickball for families with smaller children during this window. Simultaneously, the adjoining field has a unique game of smushball for those with teenagers.  The value of games like this enables families with children of all ages to participate.

During this time, other activities are happening including sand volleyball, soccer and frisbee fields, disc golf, 9-Square in the Air, Gaga ball, horseshoe pits, tether balls, and miniature golf.   For families who would like indoor activities the facility has a game room for Foosball, giant Jenga, cards and board games.  Finally, the 650-acre property has multiple hiking trails.

Remember this: No amount of time on a PlayStation will make your child equipped for adulthood or get them to heaven.  Unplugging from the hustle and bustle of suburban and city life to immerse yourselves in the beauty of God’s nature can profoundly transform family relationships. Engaging in outdoor activities together helps reduce anxiety, heal past traumas, boost creativity, foster a sense of awe, and build resilience.

As Fulton Sheen said,

“ What is the difference between work and play?  Work has a purpose and play has none, but there must be a time in life for purposeless things.”

Stay tuned for essential element number three…


The Four Things for a Successful Family  Life: Part 3 Work Together


The Four Things for a Successful Family  Life: Part 1